Music feeds the soul
Every time I'm driving in my car, I find myself thinking of everything from the past, the future, what I might make for dinner or even what my kids might look like. It's insane how a car ride can hypnotize you, that when you reach your destination, you don't even know how you got there. No matter how much I'm thinking though, that can always change when a good song comes on the radio. That one song you haven't heard in years that triggers a memory you haven't thought of in forever, or that one song that makes you want to get up and dance; music can change your entire day. I remember my freshman year at Coastal Carolina, how it didn't matter what time of the day it was, I always had music on, well, except for when I was in class. But, seriously, when I was in my car, the music was on and when I came home, the music was on non-stop on my laptop, and now when I think about it, that was one of the happiest times of my life. I don't know if it was because it was a fresh new experience or if the music has something to do with it, but it does boggle my mind how music can change our outlook on everything. Whether you like rap, metal or Whitney Houston, ("Empire Records" fans will get that joke) any genre of music puts you in certain moods. I've learned the kind of music I shouldn't listen to, because they make me more sad than I already was before I listened to the song... even though there are tons of great "sad" songs, I've realized I can't listen to them anymore. There are also songs that make me feel like I can conquer the world, for example, "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd literally sends chills down my spine and always makes me feel excited about what the future will bring. There are also those songs, that when I hear them, I think of my sister and my friends and the times we've had drinking, laughing, rapping and dancing and then I have a permanent smile on my face for the rest of the day. So, the moral of the "blog" is: if you're ever in a Debbie Downer mood, put on that song that will immediately make you feel better... even if it's just for a few minutes. I guarantee you, it will change your day. Music is just about the only thing in this world that connects everyone. It doesn't matter where you came from, every culture has music and it's a beautiful thing. On that note, (I crack myself up... get it? note...) I'm going to leave you with a song that will surely boost your mood. No matter how bad it may seem, just remember that "every little thing is gonna be alright."
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